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Current Committees
Academic Advisor
Ms. Jasmine Chen
Student Organisation Advisor
Ms. Tasha Thamalagha
Member's Event
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Friday, 13 June 2014 | Thyme & Tarragon Restaurant, Taylor's University
Having good manners are necessary in every occasion. Here, Taylor's Wine and Dine Club provides a platform by providing basic dining etiquette lesson to students in Taylor's University. Directly after the theory class, we also had a fine dining session where students can directly practise what they had learnt during the theorical session.
"Good manner will open doors that the best education cannot." -Clarence Thomas
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Thursday, 9 October 2014 | Guinness Anchor Bhd, Selangor
Many people think beers only comes in one type, which are the ones usually seen in supermarkets. In actuality, it is more than that. Hence, Taylor's Wine and Dine Club opened an opportunity to Taylor's University students to explore more about beers. Starting from the production process, to recognising the difference types of beer.
“Beer, if drunk in moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health.”-
Thomas Jefferson
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Tuesday, 18 November 2014 | Thyme & Tarragon Restaurant, Taylor's University
Friday, 17 June 2015 | Thyme & Tarragon Restaurant, Taylor's University
Saturday, 21 November 2015| Thyme & Tarragon Restaurant, Taylor's University
We are often fascinated by the beautiful art that is drawn atop of our lattes and cappuccinos. So instead of just admiring the art, Taylor's Wine and Dine Club were pleased to open the opportunity for Taylor's University students to CREATE the art itself. During the course of the workshop, participants were taught the basic theory of coffee and milk steaming; followed by a hands-on sesssion, whereby participant created latte arts, while being guided by our experienced trainer barista.
"You don't only take a photograph, you make it." -Ansel Adams
Saturday, 8 November 2014 | Bentong
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After long weeks of study, students surely want to have some time to relax. Back to nature is always a good way to freshen up ourselves and get our minds ready for the final weeks of study. Taylor's Wine and Dine Club were very excited to organise our first-ever outing to Bentong; where we had a one-day trip that consisted of a mini food hunt and chilling out at Chamang Waterfall.
"Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection." -Lawrence Durrell
Friday, 19 September 2014 | Taylor's Graduate School Lounge, Taylor's University
Friday, 10 April 2014 | Taylor's Graduate School Lounge, Taylor's University
Friday, 4 September 2015 | Student Life Center, Taylor's University
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Nothing beats the feel of being warmly welcomed within a community. Taylor's Wine and Dine Club seeks to ensure that our members feel a sense of belonging and comfort within the circle of our club. Breaking the ice by having our customary welcoming introduction, bonding games and of course food; is the Taylor's Wine and Dine Club's way to welcome members, for being part an exciting community.
"You can't build a society purely on interests, you need a sense of belonging."
-Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Committee 's Event
Friday, 13 June 2014 | Sungai Congkak, Hulu Langat
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After several weeks of studying, we realised that our team deserves another round of outing and bonding session. Hence, the Taylor's Wine and Dine Club's committee members decided to arrange a team building session to further strengthen the bonds amongst the committee members. During this teambuilding, we played a lot of games, while at the same time basked in the midst of Sungai Congkak's natural tranquility. This team building session allowed us to know each other better and helped refresh our minds to work even harder to bring the club forward.
“Nothing is more exciting and bonding in relationships than creating together”
-Stephen R. Covey
Saturday - Monday, 22 - 24 November 2014 | Cameron Highland, Pahang
Monday, 31 August 2015 | Suriamas Condominium
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The transition process between the old term committee members to the new term is always intimidating. Thus, that is why the Taylor's Wine and Dine Club tried to do something different. A team building that also serves as transition process. Besides bonding the new committee members together, the past committee members can also simultaneously explain more about their individual roles and past down the club's know-how, in a more easy-going atmosphere.
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything."
-George Bernand Shaw
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